It is absolutely asinine to give someone who hates license to carry a weapon. I mean anyone and everyone. Weapons are for obtaining food or sport or self defense. That's all. And self defense should be unnecessary. But here we have sick fucks who wanna rape and murder and rob people and inevitably, someone wants revenge. This is why I pray. I pray for peace. Talk about a catch 22. Tbh, I wish guns didn't exist. They're kind of fun to shoot but we'd all be better off without them. Name an animal you can't kill with a bow and arrow. All we do with chickens is cut their heads off. The guillotine was more humane, for crying out loud. I hate killing anything, even roaches. I still eat meat. See? There's a small percentage of people whose values align with their mission, let alone their actions. It's human nature to be hypocritical. If you break the word down, it means slow to judge yourself, quick to judge others i.e. the pot calling the kettle black. We...