
Showing posts from July, 2016

This Face

Says it all.

Liberty and Justice for All

It is absolutely asinine to give someone who hates license to carry a weapon. I mean anyone and everyone. Weapons are for obtaining food or sport or self defense. That's all. And self defense should be unnecessary. But here we have sick fucks who wanna rape and murder and rob people and inevitably, someone wants revenge. This is why I pray. I pray for peace. Talk about a catch 22. Tbh, I wish guns didn't exist. They're kind of fun to shoot but we'd all be better off without them. Name an animal you can't kill with a bow and arrow. All we do with chickens is cut their heads off. The guillotine was more humane, for crying out loud. I hate killing anything, even roaches. I still eat meat. See? There's a small percentage of people whose values align with their mission, let alone their actions. It's human nature to be hypocritical. If you break the word down, it means slow to judge yourself, quick to judge others i.e. the pot calling the kettle black. We...

Talking to Myself

Self talk is important. People will tell you you're crazy for doing so, but hey, have you ever had an actual thought? Have you ever wondered something, asked yourself a question, whether aloud or in silence and subsequently answered it? Guess what? You're NORMAL. I'm ticked right now because I'm tired of portraying myself as this loony bin bound bimbo. Honestly, I'm way smarter than that and I need to tell myself to fuck off about posting excessive photos of myself and the like. I do it to build my self confidence because I have a difficult time recognizing my own reflection and it's become a sort of coping mechanism. I'm going back to writing, and it's going to be mostly offline from now on. I've made a grand total of $6 and some change on Google AdSense but I won't see any money until I earn at least $100. I don't have time to wait for that. I'm twenty-six years old with no health insurance or money and a case of Bipolar Disorder ...

Truth Time

My inner child is a bright shiny soul With joy to spare fir all who care Or don't No tears for Santa, no fears for four wheelers, "Chill out, guys." That's what she says As the wind blows her light hair That turned dark.

Vlog V: Independence Day Edition
