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I'm lonely. I'm an insomniac. We all know this. It's a bloody miracle I graduated from grade school. I spent the first 18 years of my life sleep deprived. As soon as i got the chance to "tune in turn off and drop out" I did. In the name of sleeping my days away in peace without some squirrelly little fucktard in my FYS (first year seminar) running in screaming and throwing my alarm clock down the hallway of our dorm. Jesus. Then I got back home and had to deal with my mom banging down my door, WORRIED about my lack of productivity. After that, I had to deal with nurses doing the same thing and demanding my blood at that. You can see my frustration. I'm probably doomed to join the ranks of Waffle House employees at some point in my future but you know what? That's okay with me. What's wrong with making enough to live on and just enjoying my free time as I please? Nothing really.. I just miss people I don't even know anymore. Making new frien...