Fool Heaven?
I was a wounded apple. Some people will throw you away for having a bruise and curse the fact you're damaged. Others will throw you on the ground to watch you break completely. I wanted someone to eat me whole and appreciate my inherent goodness. No I didn't. I wanted to be left to rot. I'd die pretty, several months from now, coated in wax. Maybe I'd feel the warmth of a few hands looking for the right one in the meantime. That honestly made me sick. They ruined me by letting me go. It's their fault for not going with their first instinct. Did love at first sight really ever fail anyone? I want to exit this metaphor. The forbidden fruit might have been a strawberry, for Christ's sake. Isn't that what they call it when you have the level of wound I'd been referring to? Whatever. I know too much and I'm mortal. I can remember being murdered. What if God brings us back to life because he just can't keep the sick shit from happening but has it w...