
Love Yourz

This is my dad and me. He's worked at the same company since 1979. He's a Leo, you know. So's my mommy. They were born 13 days apart. They met at age 19 both had worked since 14, 15 years old and married at 27. They're the best. I felt the need to reiterate that fact after all the brooding I've done here over the years.  That's Mom and Granny. Granny raised 9 kids and worked 3 jobs at a time. She drank fifths and had gifts. True empathy for the speaker always (even if she couldn't show it) she had words of wisdom for them all. I told her I was never having kids and she just laughed with her whole self. Solidarity, Granny. Mom went to Barbizon modeling school to impress my dad's mother. She succeeded. Happy almost birthday, GM.  Wutang Clan Ain't Nothing to Fuck w/

Fool Heaven?

  I was a wounded apple. Some people will throw you away for having a bruise and curse the fact you're damaged. Others will throw you on the ground to watch you break completely. I wanted someone to eat me whole and appreciate my inherent goodness. No I didn't. I wanted to be left to rot. I'd die pretty, several months from now, coated in wax. Maybe I'd feel the warmth of a few hands looking for the right one in the meantime. That honestly made me sick. They ruined me by letting me go. It's their fault for not going with their first instinct. Did love at first sight really ever fail anyone?  I want to exit this metaphor. The forbidden fruit might have been a strawberry, for Christ's sake. Isn't that what they call it when you have the level of wound I'd been referring to? Whatever. I know too much and I'm mortal. I can remember being murdered.  What if God brings us back to life because he just can't keep the sick shit from happening but has it w...

Because the New Yorker Won't Publish It

  *Radio fuzz* Person in custody has been yelling in her front yard in her pajamas. She is in decent hygiene but is displaying an erratic temperament responding to officers effusively. Neighbors made the call when she flipped them the bird for ‘not helping’. I am Officer Mayhew of Precinct 4 and have Stevi Alsdorf in transit to Ben Taub Hospital. She is a Bipolar Schizophrenic; lobotomy patient; over.  “May I talk to you, officer?” she asked.  “All right,” said Mayhew.  “I get that I have the right to remain silent, but every other officer I ever had played music for me or let me talk,” said Stevi.  “You can talk to me,” Mayhew said.  “You guys are so kind. Well, this is important. It involves the Supernatural. Do you watch Supernatural ?” “I used to when I was younger,” said Mayhew. “I’ve seen a few episodes.”  “Well,” said Stevi, “Mary Anne was working in a soup kitchen in Philadelphia feeding the homeless. I’m tempted to say ‘doing h...



New Page

 I figured out that I had become an enemy of love.  Me last night Something I wrote just now This was me a few months ago. I'd decided to shave my head again having sexually interacted with another man I really hadn't wanted to know in that way for more than the night.  I now vow to not allow myself to go there again.  I thank all my friends and fam for understanding. 

Cat Men (CW workshop story 2015)

 “Cat Men” Paisley couldn’t contain her laughter as she gawked at the contents of her sister’s freezer. A lifelike albeit sparkly pink dildo laid atop a carton of Bluebell mint chocolate chip.  “Seriously, Rory? The freezer?” Paisley said. “What?” said Aurora, seizing the icy tallywacker and wagging it in Paisley’s face. “I like to keep it fresh.” She returned it to its perch atop the ice cream and pulled out a bottle of tequila.  “Okay, let’s take a quick shot for luck. You’re going to kill it tonight, Paisley.”  “I don’t know. Last time I performed, no one laughed. Am I funny?” “You make me laugh,” Aurora said, holding up her shot glass. “To my witty and charming little sister, may the God of comedy smile upon you tonight!” Paisley followed suit and said, “To my lonely, hypersexual older sister, may you get a damn boyfriend so you can stop keeping Mr. Sparkles in the freezer!”  “Hey, Mr. Sparkles really knows how to treat a lady. Don’t let his lack of a ...

Non-Biodegradeable Transluminecsence

  See your shoals Hold our phones Chiodos said baby wouldn’t last a minute On the creek and my girl got ink about it. Dry up the nasty old swamps And make the mussels atrophy Lying beside a box fan on a porch, useless  As lost soles of old shoes like crawdads in mud– Beneath the floor sink our essential-oiled feet into soil, and then,  Baby’s got the blood!??1 Loose nail from old boards,  Hang tight, como Christ, and bite the bullet. Find a hammer like Thor and Decide on doing something right. Earn us Paradise– Maybe by the Leg Lamp light? We all are claimed in spite of fame Brand names aren’t useful anymore Belt loop caught on the door handle “What’s up, Chris?” “Oh, you know–still trying to get on the Lord’s docket!” Be here happy Please don’t cry “Can you hear me knockin’?” Sorry, Try again next time! It’s not a game   And screw a parade!  Go back to the time when the men were all gay To begin they’re in hell  So it doesn’t do us to say but ‘oh we...