Screw this. Have I ever told a story here? Are my posts really helpful to anyone who reads this? Am I providing any real insight? What am I trying to prove now? Proofs in geometry were my favorite because they mimic life. Pretend you're the answer. I wanted to enable others to see my process. I needed to practice verbalizing my thoughts. I'd lost my ability to hear myself think. It's a shame that the truth as we individually recall it never fails to hurt someone else who's framed it differently, burnt or buried it for themselves. I'm not being haughty here. I need to say that for every person I've resented in print or cursive, hated aloud or in silence, I've forgiven them first. Now that I have nothing but heartache for failed relationships, I know I need to focus my energy on equilateral respect for myself and appreciate with my words (this is action) all who have contributed, shaped, influenced, pushed, persuaded, poked and/or prodded me into my ch...